Monday, February 8, 2010

On getting a bad haircut

A haircut gone horribly wrong is a living nightmare. What makes this even worse is that we can't do a thing about it. I have been a victim of such disasters quite seldom. But I wasn't really lucky last weekend. Here is my story of getting a bad.... really bad haircut :

I was always impressed by the kind of stylish haircuts the models in the magazines wear. They look sooooooo good! And here I am, sporting the same look ever since I remember looking at the mirror. After a lot of persuation from friends, I finally dared to try something new yesterday.

I am not much into the "style" thing. I get easily impressed by anything that looks pretty to me. While sitting in the barber shop, I was taking a look at the magazines they had to help (confuse) me to decide what kind of a hair-do I want. The "before" and "after" looks of the models looked so fasctinating! Quite dumbly, I choose the prettiest face ( and not probably the prettiest hair cut) to go ahead with.

My barber is in her mid-fiftees. I doubt whether she could actually see what I wanted and what she was doing. She kept talking to me regarding my work, school, hometown.. blah blah.. While her scissors sliced through my hair, I tried assuring myself that I'll look stunning (uhh.. if not, just "better") in the new look. It didn't take her long to finish off the cutting. Finally, I was ready to look into the mirror for "the moment of truth" .... When she spun me around to look in the mirror, I just about died. WHAT THE HELL!!!!! I was.... almost like... butchered! I looked nowhere like me or that model in the picture. :(
The lady, however, seemed to be very delighted with her creation... and why wouldn't she be? She had almost invented the new "moron" look !

I gave her a pathetic smile, made the payment and almost ran off the shop. As I walked towards my car, I felt mortified, as if everyone were snickering at my stupid look. Soon, I reached home, only to hear a roar of laughter from friends...

Whatta day! Phew!


  1. No matter how I explain my barber about the haircut I want, he always cuts my hair in the same style. One day finally I said him, "Just make sure I don't look stupid" and he made sure I did. I hate haircuts.

  2. Same here both of u guys......but I never make the mistake of explaining her/him wat I need...cos I never wanna be dissappointed....but alas...U know the rest....To put more oil in the fire she/he tells me that I look like Tom Cruise.....FTW!!!!!!

    P.S. I have only one wish......To see you once,.....:P
